Cans for Critters 2010


Pack 608 participates in the San Diego Zoo’s “Cans for Critters Recycling Program” again this year. See the flyer.

Our goal this year is to collect 400 recyclables (equivalent to $16) per participant by April 22, 2010.  The prize for collecting 400 recyclables is admission to the Jamboree and a Cans for Critters conservation patch.  Participants that collect 1000 recyclables (equivalent to $40) will also get 3 passes to the Jamboree.  Eco-friendly prizes are also available – although they have not yet been determined what they are.  Please see the attached pdf that outlines prize and Jamboree information.

The San Diego Zoo is doing things a little differently this year.  That’s right – the process has gone technical this year.  They’ve asked that each scout/participant register online.  To participate, each scout will need to join our team. The benefits of online registration are abundant - each participant can track their progress online, they can email friends and relatives for support, and we can also track progress as a team. Another change in process since last year: Each parent will need to submit the recycle funds using their credit card (and then reimbursing themselves using the cash obtained from the recycle center). 

You register online by...

1) Clicking on the link here and typing in “608” and selecting Groups and then Find My Team as displayed below.


2) Locate our team in the Search Results and select 'Join'

3) Click Next Step on this screen.

4) Enter in the scouts information and email address.  Next pick the animal they’d like to support and the prize they’re shooting for…. (we selected the Jamboree) and finally Complete Registration.