Pack 608 in the News


Please let us know if you see news articles in the papers or on-line about our Pack 608 and send the links or a copy to the Webmaster

  • February 3, 2011: Poway News Chieftain - "ZOOM!" - Our Pack 608 Pinewood Derby is on the front page.
  • February 4, 2010: Poway News Chieftain - "FUN WITH CARS" - Cub Scout Pack 608 held its annual Pinewood Derby car races Saturday." Page 8 of the paper.
  • Pack 608 Summer Flyer - "INTERESTED IN JOINING CUB SCOUTS?" - Front and back.
  • March 23, 2009: Poway News Chieftain - "PACK 608 VISITS NEWS CHIEFTAIN" - The Tigers went to see the local News paper office. Front page and page A17 of the paper.
  • July 4-11, 2008: - "ANNUAL CAMPOUT IN 4S RANCH" - The Flying Eagles (Webelos I's) joined the big campout at 4S ranch and ended up on the front page and there. Inside the paper there is a 2-page article (part 1, part 2 and part 3).
  • April 24, 2008: Poway News Chieftain - "CUB SCOUT AWARDS - Twelve Cub Scouts from Pack 608 in Poway earned their Arrow of Light awards, the highest cub Scout achievement and the only Cub Scout award that can be worn on the Boy Scout uniform. Shown in the top row, from left, are: Trevor Romero, Matthew Dickson, Max Averell, Aldair Barranco-Lyete, Cameron Juybari and Christopher McCulloch. In the bottom row, from left, are: Kevin Garnica, Tommy Urnezis, Brendan Cassidy, Ben Beers, Brian MacNeil and Dylan Silvestre. Pack 608 serves boys from the Midland/Old Poway area, and is sponsored by St. Gabriel's Knights of Columbus.
  • January 31, 2008: Poway News Chieftain - "BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS! - Members of Cub Scout Pack 608 donated several books  during  the holidays to Midland Elementary School, their pack's sponsor."
  • September 27, 2007: Poway News Chieftain - "VACATION PHOTOS - The boys of Poway Cub Scout Pack 608 went camping in Mount Laguna. This is from the top of the Lightning Ridge Trail, looking out over Laguna Meadow and the campground.

  • September 16, 2007: NCTimes - Poway parade showcases pride and personality

    POWAY ---- Poway, known as the "City in the Country," showed off its community spirit Saturday in the Poway Days Heritage Parade.

    Poway residents Mary Anne and Craig Dickson marched and biked with their two sons in Cub Pack 608 and daughter in Girl Scout Troop 8648. 
    "It's all about smiling, waving and having fun," said Mary Anne. 
    Craig added, "The parade starts out the school year right."

  • January 25, 2007: Poway News Chieftain - "SPEED RACERS - Members of Pack 608 at Midland School compete in their group's annual Pinewood Derby on Saturday at the school. Webelos member Brian MacNeil took the winner's prize with his car. He now advances with his car to the 'San Diego 500' for first-place winners from other San Diego Scout packs."