Pack 608 - Pinewood Derby Results

  Take me to Pack 608 Pinewood Derby 2011 results  
Pictures from the Pinewood Derby 2011  
Workshop Race Day  
  If you wonder where the rules are... Don't look any further. These are the official Pack 608 Pinewood Derby Rules for building your Pinewood race car.
Each year the fastest car and it's lucky winner of our Pack 608 Pinewood Derby will compete in the San Diego 500 with Cub Scouts from other Packs in the San Diego-Imperial Council at the Scout Fair.
Individual competition
Year Cub Scout Average time [sec]
2011 Blake Wilcox 2.4183  
2010 Thomas Godden 2.4443
2009 Tyler Richards 2.4012

Track Record

2008 Lars Hartvig 2.4457
2007 Brian MacNeil 2.4370
2006 Tyler Richards 2.4638
2005 Matthew Dickson 2.4465
2004 Luke Rabon 2.4997
2003 Colin Reed 2.4982
Den competition
Year Den Average time [sec]
2011 Wolf Den 2 2.4682
2010 Tiger Den 3 2.4919
2009 Web II Rattlesnakes 2.4456
2008 Tigers Den 4  
2007 Bears Den 3  
2006 Bears Den 4  
Pack results
  Pack 608 Track  
Year Runs per lane Average time [sec] for all runs Single race record
Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6
2011 40 2.5257 2.5196 2.5211 2.5239 2.5225 2.5249 2.4066  Car #30  Lars Hartvig
2010 37 2.5354 2.5453 2.5392 2.5491 2.5460 2.5405 2.4360  Car #26  Thomas Godden
Track Record = 2.4012 sec (average)